jueves, 2 de diciembre de 2021

Blog 8: My experience with the English language at university

Hello bloggers, today i’m going to tell you about my personal experience with the learning of english language at university and my challenges with this.

For me, learning English has been difficult in college. When I entered university my English was very basic and although I could understand a little of what I was reading, I had never spoken English in my life. In general it has been good and I like to exercise my writing in this language through blogs because it helps to practice conversation topics. But real conversation is something else, I don't know how to practice it, and it's embarrassing to try to speak English in classes with people who know a lot. Well anyway I have learned in 2021 more than other years. I would like to learn to converse correctly in English in grammatical aspects and of course, in pronunciation. I would like to do an English course to learn how to converse when I leave university.


When I watch series, I try to listen to the dialogue and I can better understand the context compared to the Spanish subtitles. I also try to translate English when the characters are from other parts of the world, such as British characters, and it is difficult to understand them. But for now, it is the only time I use English.


Well, we all have different experiences, what is your experience learning English? See you next week!

viernes, 19 de noviembre de 2021

Blog 7: The changes I expect from my university career

Hello bloggers, today I would like to tell you about my opinion on the things that I hope will change in my geography career.

First, the infrastructure problems that we currently have. My faculty is small and has three majors (Architecture, design, and geography) so it’s difficult for each one has an adequate area for study. The classrooms are few and many times they are occupied. Also, the geography career has practically no laboratory room, and it is very necessary because we must learn to use instruments to measure many things, such as the granulometry of a soil. 


(I imagine a laboratory like this

Secondly, I would like some changes in the teaching methods. Some classes are very theoretical such as Climatology or cartography; I wish it more practical. For example, we learn to make maps, but we do not know how to apply this knowledge in the field through tools. Also, I would like more national case studies to be addressed to better understand the matter through real environmental problems. In adittion, the “FAU” is a faculty oriented to urban planning, but we do not relate to the other careers, except for some elective courses. There could be a course to learn and discuss the problems of the city between the three careers.

Finally, I dream with a bus for the faculty, especially my career. The field trips would be easier, and we could travel when we wants hahaha

What changes do you expect for your career? Tell us and see you in the next!

viernes, 12 de noviembre de 2021

Blog 6: Time travel to the future

 Hello bloggers, can you imagine traveling to the future? Well, today is the day to imagine what this would be like!

Probably, travel to the future is the dream of many people. It is not my case, but I like to imagine what the world would be like in the future. Will there be flying cars? I hope not, for me it is a terrible idea hahaha. I would like to travel to two different times, first to the year 2100 and then to the year 3000.

On my first trip, I would like to visit my country to see how much the climate, its human development, the environment, technology, and my family have changed, why not! I hope it is a better world for everyone.

 On my second trip, I don't have high expectations. Maybe the technology is very advanced and we live on other planets but I can't imagine much more. I am pessimistic to think about this time. I would like to visit the year 2100 because it can be a better world to live in, but I don't want to stay here. I think I would miss my family and my friends.


How do you imagine the future? Tell us what places you would like to visit if you could travel to the future. Thanks for sharing and see you in the next!

viernes, 22 de octubre de 2021

Blog 5: My future job

Hello bloggers, if I think about our future jobs, it could be a little stressful, so today I would like to talk to you about what are the truest reasons that I want to work in my area for the next years.

As you know, I am currently studying geography and I  love this career because you have the possibility to travel and work in many different kind of fields or places. I like to imagine traveling a lot (even in my country) in my future job because I hate office jobs and travelling it could be is much more exciting day by day. Maybe it's a bit idealistic but dreaming is free hahaha, working doesn't have to be boring if you do with passion what you like the most. Therefore if I could work on something that I like, for example drawing, it would be perfect. As a muralist? who knows! It is a little tricky for me think  in some specialization or postgrade immediately when I be graduated from this career because I would like to rest first and then find my passion within geography and this could take long time even years. Geography has many specialties so I am not in a hurry to choose one. For now I would like to work in any geographer job to get experience.

Well, these are my ideas about my future job, what do you think about taking risk in what  you like the most? See you in the next session

viernes, 15 de octubre de 2021

Blog 4: My favorite series of 2020

Hello bloggers, this time I will tell you about "Atlanta", a great series that marked my 2020 because of how good it is.

For most of us, 2020 was a very bad year. The pandemic forced us to spend a lot of time locked in our homes without the possibility of reuniting with friends or our family. For this reason, in 2020 I saw several series that they had not been able to see before, such as The Office, Top Boy, El Remplazante ... and Atlanta.

"Atlanta" is a series that shows a group of friends who live in the poor neighborhoods of this city and aspire to improve their lives through music and rap. At first I thought it would be a series in which the protagonist (a rapper named Paper Boi) would achieve success through his efforts and his music. But Atlanta also shows us through comic situations but with dramatic effects that racism and classism is a fine line that we all walk. That discrimination based on skin color or our social class may be surreal right now, but it does exist. And it also shows us in the form of satire the problems in people's social identity due to this social exclusion.

I hope you can see it some day, it is a series not to be missed. See you next time!

viernes, 1 de octubre de 2021

Blog 3: I would like to do this in the future


Hello bloggers, today I will talk a little about what I would like to do in the future from my current university career.


 I have been studying geography since 2017. It is a beautiful career for people who seek to be more critical of the environment that surrounds us and its problems. And there are many problems, such as those that you can find in your neighborhood, diseases or problems related to climate change, that can be better understood when we see the relationships that are established in a defined space and time. In this case, studying diseases in the population related to environmental pollution events is one of the things I would like to do in my future. We have all seen situations of contamination in the country, for example in Quintero due to toxic gases from the thermoelectric plants installed there or contamination by arsenic in the population of Arica, but it is difficult to think about the long-term effects on the population... even when sources of contamination may no longer exist in the future. I would like to register these events in some way as a form of justice and memory of those populations affected by these situations. 

Until next time!
