jueves, 9 de septiembre de 2021

Blog 1: Turkey, a beatiful country i would like to visit

Hello bloggers, this time I want to talk about Turkey, a country that I dream of visiting one day. 

10 motivos para viajar a Turquía | IATI Seguros 

(Image 1: Balloons in the turkish desert.)

Turkey is a country of contrasts. It is located between Europe and Asia, and shares both cultures. It is a mountainous, semi-desert country with a great history. I want to visit this country because I like its centuries-old architecture, like the Blue Mosque in Istanbul, a wonderful and very old city that was the capital of many empires. I would like to know this city that is between the Black Sea and the Sea of ​​Marmara, and has beautiful beaches for swimming and sailing.

 Geografía de Turquía, Características, Relieve, Hidrografía, Clima

 (Image 2: The Blue Mosque and the Black Sea!)

 I also like its Islamic iconography, the main religion of the country. I dream of visiting Turkey, but I would not like to live there because it would be difficult to communicate with people. But I would like to study there because I could learn about its geography, meet people from different origins, its gastronomy and especially its street food. See you next session to share experiences!

6 comentarios:

  1. It also seems like a very beautiful country to me. I think what interests me about Turkey is its culture and its language as well, I have seen some TV series in Turkish and it does not seem so difficult to learn.

  2. Turkey seems so interesting, I'd like to visit it someday

  3. i know Turkey got a lot of street cats, and i love cats so i would like to go there too hehe

  4. Turkey seems very fascinating with its long and complex history, and its amazing food and art styles.

  5. It sounds very interesting to visit Turkey to see their beautiful landscapes and learn more about its history, traditions and culture.

