viernes, 19 de noviembre de 2021

Blog 7: The changes I expect from my university career

Hello bloggers, today I would like to tell you about my opinion on the things that I hope will change in my geography career.

First, the infrastructure problems that we currently have. My faculty is small and has three majors (Architecture, design, and geography) so it’s difficult for each one has an adequate area for study. The classrooms are few and many times they are occupied. Also, the geography career has practically no laboratory room, and it is very necessary because we must learn to use instruments to measure many things, such as the granulometry of a soil.  

(I imagine a laboratory like this

Secondly, I would like some changes in the teaching methods. Some classes are very theoretical such as Climatology or cartography; I wish it more practical. For example, we learn to make maps, but we do not know how to apply this knowledge in the field through tools. Also, I would like more national case studies to be addressed to better understand the matter through real environmental problems. In adittion, the “FAU” is a faculty oriented to urban planning, but we do not relate to the other careers, except for some elective courses. There could be a course to learn and discuss the problems of the city between the three careers.

Finally, I dream with a bus for the faculty, especially my career. The field trips would be easier, and we could travel when we wants hahaha

What changes do you expect for your career? Tell us and see you in the next!

viernes, 12 de noviembre de 2021

Blog 6: Time travel to the future

 Hello bloggers, can you imagine traveling to the future? Well, today is the day to imagine what this would be like!

Probably, travel to the future is the dream of many people. It is not my case, but I like to imagine what the world would be like in the future. Will there be flying cars? I hope not, for me it is a terrible idea hahaha. I would like to travel to two different times, first to the year 2100 and then to the year 3000.

On my first trip, I would like to visit my country to see how much the climate, its human development, the environment, technology, and my family have changed, why not! I hope it is a better world for everyone.

 On my second trip, I don't have high expectations. Maybe the technology is very advanced and we live on other planets but I can't imagine much more. I am pessimistic to think about this time. I would like to visit the year 2100 because it can be a better world to live in, but I don't want to stay here. I think I would miss my family and my friends.

How do you imagine the future? Tell us what places you would like to visit if you could travel to the future. Thanks for sharing and see you in the next!
